Monday, November 12, 2012

Hiking, writing, and trying not to get hit by a car

The weather is warm, but the hunters are out. I don't currently own a neon vest or hoodie-- I do have a tie die shirt, but wearing that on a hike in the woods would probably make me a target of the hunters.  I went for a run instead. No cars veered to hit me, so it was a good one.

Running is not a new thing for me.  In college, my friend and I started a running blog to document our training for a half-marathon.  It was called "Tales of the Running Trails," which we thought was pretty clever at the time.  Probably most of my ideas are this clever.

After becoming a Teach for America alum, I started to write about education, but that's not easy, and I was just looking for an innocent project that would get me routinely writing again (or at all).  That's when my blogging about hiking started.  

It's tough to stick to a topic as a blogger.  Famous writers have the luxury of writing about whatever the hell they want because people will eat it up! Even writing about blogging feels sort of foolish when you're a normal person.  

So most people have to write about things that people want to read, if you can even figure out what those things are.  What I can gather from watching the Kathie Lee & Hoda show on my day off is that people want to read and watch all about flask bangles and flowers that get rid of hangovers, etc. etc.  If you clicked on that link, I've proven my point, but I'm also not one of those annoying snobs who thinks they're too good for it.  I enjoyed that segment, and I was, after-all, watching the show.

My point is that if you're no one big, it doesn't hurt to write about topics that are shamelessly meant to attract readership. Even the famous blogs that already attract lots of readers do that-- to keep them, I'd assume.

However, it can be a bit frustrating if what you want to write about, no one wants to read. Or even HOW you want to write is not how people want to read.

Skip this part if you don't give a flip about writing, but here is some advice I read from a writer named Benjamin Percy (who, by the way, I had never heard of until reading one of his articles in a magazine):

"The truth is, of course, that if you're good enough, you can do anything... William Gay can use backstory, William Trevor can change point of view midscene, Alice Munro can write a short story that takes place over several decades.  They can do these things not because they're ignorant to risk, but rather because their writing is so good it transcends rules."

So where does this leave the rest of us?

Hiking in a hippie shirt?


Running in a hippie shirt.

And trying not to get hit by a car.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

George B. Parker Woodland

Today's hike was exhausting, but beautiful.

We went to George B. Parker Woodland in Coventry, Rhode Island at the height of the fall season.

If that doesn't hook you, I don't know what will.

What we brought:
-Targus laptop backpack filled with water and personal belongings.
-Crappy sneakers (because the trail was muddy- be sure to keep in mind whether or not it has rained in the past few days when you go on your hikes).  On this trail, there are wood planks and bridges that pass over swampy grounds.

-Yoda and Gandalf, our walking sticks.
-Cell phone for taking these pictures.

Before choosing to hike here, I did a little bit of research.

There are a number of hiking clubs in RI and various resources that you can use to plot your destination and trail. Disclaimer: most of them are confusing to read, outdated, or don't give a clear description of where to go or how to get to the trails (i.e. I STILL can't figure out how to navigate Arcadia Management Area in Exeter, and I desperately want to be able to.  Do you need two cars, or can you choose trails that loop back to your original destination?)

If you're an amateur, which is what this blog is all about, you want someone to spell these things out for you.

In the spirit of filling in that gap, here is the map that we used to navigate-- it was posted at the beginning of the orange trail.

The blue loop was the closest to access, but we didn't realize it was the longest blue trail until we arrived back at the car, huffing and puffing (3 miles).  It took us about 2 hours. A lot of it is uphill, so don't hike this trail unless you're prepared to get a little bit of a workout. It's also a rather popular spot-- we ran into at least  6 other pairs/groups of hikers-- so although you will be alone for most of the way, be prepared to bump into other people.

Part of the trail runs along a large stream and also hits old sites with cairns and house foundations, both of which are pictured below (I linked to someone else's picture of the cairn sign because mine was cut off!)

Overall, it was our favorite hike so far.

Let me know if you go!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Short Post for a Short Hike (PICTURES OF HIKING STICKS)!

I did go hiking this past weekend.  I did plan on blogging about it.

And then life started back up...

So, until next time, here are some pictures of our (boyfriend and my (grammar?) (inappropriate parentheses?)) hiking sticks!!

They are named Gandalf and Yoda. If you can't tell the difference, I might think you live under a rock, although it's pretty strange that our hiking sticks have names, so I can't be too judgmental (plus this blog is "no judging allowed"). Hint: one of the sticks has a green tint to it, and the other looks like a Gandalf stick.

To keep the (unintentional) judging at a minimum, I'm not going to tell you where we got them.  I have yet to receive lots of comments, so maybe that will be your incentive to leave one. :)

Without further ado, here are the sticks.  Let's be real, who really reads long posts anyway? Apparently, I can't even write one!

They're made from Colorado trees.

Let me know if you go (walking stick-buying)!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Merrill Creek Reservoir

I didn't think I would ever post about Merrill Creek, but then I remembered that not everyone who reads this blog is from Warren County, New Jersey, so I'm not exactly like the old lady blogging about her review of Olive Garden...right?

It's not a bad stop by an amateur hiker's standards.  The man-made reservoir is 650 acres, and you could get more than an 8 mile hike out of the day if you really wanted to.

Check out the trail map here.

My dad and I took family for a quick 1.5 mile hike when they came to visit from Pennsylvania (note to ADD self- I want to hike Hawk Mountain in Kempton, PA.  Right after my dad told me about this spot, I saw a PA license plate in RI that said HawkMtn- weird coincidence).

What we brought:
-walking sticks, which I PROMISE to take a picture of next time
-sneakers (not to be confused with my cat named Sneakers, pictured below)

Awwww.... see, his white paws look like sneakers! Aren't we a creative family...

What we wish we brought:
- Bug spray (Bugs didn't really bother us, but West Nile has really kicked it up a notch. It might be a good idea to spray yourself before heading out).
- Sneakers (the cat).

My cousin used the runkeeper app to keep track of our distance.  Apparently, it can track your exact route using the gps on your phone (you can't fake it, folks).  I think I'll try it the next time I head out, especially since it's free!

If you go to Merrill Creek, you might see some black bear (we have before), but you will most likely see approximately 1,081 deer. I refuse to post a picture.

However, this is a pretty shot.

I could write more about the trails themselves, so comment if you'd prefer less narrative and more of a guide.

Also, let me know if you go!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Not hiking Brakeheart really broke my heart

I'm a bit late, but last weekend my boyfriend and I tried out a hike at Arcadia Management area in Exeter, RI.

Funny story.  We never hiked.

We went without researching a trail beforehand and ended up walking down a trail which popped us out at a road not even a mile later.  Then, we walked up that road and turned right at another trail which ran parallel to the "highway" and spit us out right at the parking lot.

So I drove him to the trail in West Greenwich, which he liked (see hiking post 1).

Words of wisdom: part of being an amateur hiker is not having any clue about what you're doing. It's okay.

What we brought:
-An empty Targus laptop backpack (it carried our lunch which we ate on the drive over to the West Greenwich trail in defeat). We felt more official/comfy with the backpack on, even with nothing in it, so we fought over who could carry it.  Remember my first post? No judging.
-Walking sticks

That's not to say that Arcadia isn't a great place to hike-- you just need to research it beforehand (there were no trail maps in any of the entrance boxes, and my everytrail app was frustrating to load).  Again, research it beforehand.  I'd like to try the Brakeheart pond trail the next time I go.

Sunday we trekked to Barrington/Bristol, where we stopped at the Osamequin nature trail/ bird sanctuary.

It was a quick stop, but we had fun trying to catch/stab fish with a net made out of weeds and a stick. When all was said and done and we were back at the car, we realized that you could see our "fishing spot" perfectly from the highway-- embarrassing!

Let me know if you go!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Purgatory Chasm

Today's trail was purgatory chasm in Massachusetts, which I hiked with two friends and their doggie.

What I brought-

  • My targus laptop backpack (don't judge, we're all amateur hikers here)
  • lunch with ice packs, two water bottles
  • a book (it's like my safety blanket)
  • a small notepad and 2 pens
  • a ziploc bag for stuff that I didn't want to get wet (I may or may not have brought cosmetics)
  • a jacket
  • my Katniss braid
  • dog repellent as a replacement for mace (go figure, I brought this when I hiked with other people, but not by myself). Thank you, Mr. K! Here's a picture of it-

What I didn't bring-

  • My walking stick :(  This turned out to be a good thing, though, because part of the trail felt more like mountain climbing than hiking, and I needed both of my hands.

What I actually used-

  • My lunch and my water
  • My Katniss braid, because it lives on my head
Here is what the rocks looked like-

And this-

Cool right?  If you're scared of all the rocks, there were other trails that were even easier, cleaner and wider than the ones in West Greenwich.

It was a little soggy, but we missed the rain, thankfully (It rained before we got on the trail and right as we were leaving).

Let me know if you go!

Monday, August 13, 2012


This post is perfect for the amateur hiker or someone who just wants to get a good laugh reading about someone who is insane (me). There are also lots of pretty pictures!

I've read Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods about hiking the Appalachian Trail (the "AT").  I recently finished Cheryl Strayed's Wild about the Pacific Coast Trail (the "PCT").  My summer job in college was mosquito hunting in the woods.  Clearly, this makes me a professional amateur hiker.  

Some people like to club and zone out to house music just to get "outside their mind" for awhile.  Some people do yoga.  I prefer to do free, as in NO COST, things--for me, hiking (or just being in the woods) does the trick.  

Today's trail was located in West Greenwich, Rhode Island, my hometown. Sorry the picture is blurry.  

I did the outer trail, which the map said takes about 2 hours (I have to be honest, I didn't really time myself and I got side-tracked a bunch of times) and is 3 miles long.  I took this picture later in my hike, which is why the "you are here" sticker is in the middle.  

Here's everything you need (and everything I used):
-Crappy clothes
-1 water bottle

I also carried my phone and had fun playing in the woods looking for a walking stick, which I picked up towards the end.  I'm probably 6-years-old.  Halfway through the hike I regretted not braiding my hair so that I could pretend I was Katniss Everdeen.  I also convinced myself that people were hiding in the trees waiting to attack--  the only thing that was actually hiding was a big black snake that slithered into the brush when I got close.  To me, that wasn't as scary.  

Picture break:

This was a really pretty stopping spot that was basically a deck looking out over the pond.  The only people (and dogs) I saw for the day walked up on me here (I was trying to catch a tan.  Like I said, I got side-tracked quite a bit).  I scared them (oops).  

If you end up hiking here, this was the entrance to "the deck." 

A little ways after this stop I saw a lost hiking shoe lying next to a glass bottle on a boulder.  I would have taken a picture, but I convinced myself that a murderer was lurking behind the next corner, waiting for me.  From then on, I walked really fast and looked behind me every few feet.  Seriously. (Hey, I was alone!).  

This fallen tree blocking the path didn't help. I was so freaked out, convinced that my killer knew this spot was blocked and thought I would turn around. I went through it instead, thinking about my hiking books that talked about problems just like this! I felt legit, even if it was baby legit.

This was called "The Boulder Garden."

Towards the end of the hike, I came upon this:

Did you see?  I missed it at first.

This was in the middle of the woods.  The parents (Wait and Nancy) are in front.  The mom and kids all died in November or around the same time (maybe they caught something?). They all died between 1821 and 1822.  The dad died 20 years later. Some of the graves you couldn't even read.

Genealogy of the Ellis Family 

THE TRADITION in relation to the emigration of the Ellis 
family, which was prior to 1724, is that Jeremiah Ellis and 
two brothers came over from England, landed at Boston, Mass., 
and there separated, one going south and settling in North Caro- 
lina, another in Ipswich, New Hampshire, and the third at 
West Greenwich, Kent Co., R. I. This surname is spelled in 
the records in a variety of ways, such as Elis, Elce, Else, Alice. 
It has been in use as a surname from the earliest times. The 
word means stepson, though in some cases the surname has 
been derived from the baptismal name Elias, which was in 
common use very early in Normandy before the Conquest. 
In the Welsh the name is derived from Aleck's, the possessive 
form adopted in many names of similar origin. 

(IV) Gideon, son of Jeremiah Ellis, was born in West Green- 
wich, R. I., in October, 1724, and died there September 30, 
1793. He was born, lived, and died at the family homestead. 
He was a soldier in the revolution. He married (first) Jemima 
Austin, Feb. 14, 1745; she died October 11, 1755. They had 
five children: Elinor, Wait, Gideon, Jr., who was a pioneer of 
Cayuga County, New York, and some of his descendants are 
now living at Aurora and Ithaca, New York; Rufus, and Ger- 
Apparently, Wait farmed the area off of the trail in the early 1800s.   

About 10-15 minutes later, I was back at the parking lot, thinking about Katniss, the Ellis family, and the killer I left behind in the woods.

Overall, the trail was nice and long and was great for someone who gets bored quickly-- the views changed from pond to field to woods to rocks and back again.  There were also plenty of resting spots and areas for exploration (off the trail). Let me know if you go!